
Leak & steam trap surveys and slow-speed bearing fault detection

CBM Partners use the powerful Sonotec Sonaphone range of multi-purpose ultrasonic testing devices for fast and accurate detection of faults and leaks.

ultrasound CBM Partners Ireland, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Waterford

The SONAPHONE devices detect leakages in compressed air, gas and vacuum systems. They reliably inspect bearings, the functioning of valves as well as steam traps and detect electrical partial discharges on medium or high-voltage equipment.

ultrasound cbm partners ireland, cork, dublin, galway, waterford
ultrasound cbm partners ireland, cork, dublin, galway, waterford

Nowadays the saving of energy is an important topic in all areas in which compressed air systems are used. The finding and elimination of leaks in compressed air systems alone can save up to 35 % of the energy costs associated with the use of a compressor. Regular ultrasonic inspections and preventative maintenance can also increase the operational reliability of equipment.

We quickly and accurately pinpoint leaks in compressed air, inert gas and vacuum systems.

Leaks are “tagged” and a report issued based on priority.  And, unlike most other surveying companies, we will repair minor leaks as we go; most of our surveys are effectively paid for on the day doing this!

The average savings across the last 5 surveys was £38,000 pa in energy consumption reduction!

ultrasound cbm partners ireland, cork, dublin, galway, waterford

The early detection of steam trap leaks or fails and signs of wear leads to increased operational reliability, and considerable cost savings.

We use Sonaphone for the testing of the functionality of any type of steam trap e.g. for float, thermodynamic and thermostatic traps or for valves in systems with a flow of steam.

We evaluate the proper functionality of steam traps and calculate an estimation of any losses of steam within the system.The functionality of steam traps and valves is tested by analysing the typical ultrasound and temperature of the respective installation.

Just one passing 15mm Thermodynamic steam trap costs >£850 per year in steam loss!

ultrasound cbm partners ireland, cork, dublin, galway, waterford