

Providing onsite rotating equipment laser alignment as part of a CM program or ad-hoc request basis.

Correctly aligned machines are important to improve reliability, reduce costs associated with unplanned maintenance and reduce energy costs.

alignment cbm partners ireland dublin cork waterford

Alignment fault finding

Either as part of a CM services contract or an ad-hoc request to check machine alignment; using Erbessd’s state of the art alignment equipment, our qualified engineers will identify the problem and recommend a solution efficiently and effectively.

alignment cbm partners ireland dublin cork waterford


Whether CBM Partners re-align the machine or not, we carry out a before and after verification check and issue a report for peace of mind and future reference.


Our engineers are equipped with the necessary tools and shims to align the majority of machinery we come across. This is our preferred solution, to re-align either in cooperation with our client’s maintenance team (to share know-how both ways) or just to get on with it.

alignment cbm partners ireland dublin cork waterford

Verify the quality of your machine installation program and deal with any misalignment issues quickly and easily